
1. Rigicon® Infla10® three-piece penile prosthesis Instructions for Use.
2. Infection Retardant Coated Inflatable Penile Prostheses Decrease the Incidence of Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Sree Harsha Mandava, Ege Can Serefoglu, Matthew T. Freier, Steven K. Wilson, and Wayne J.G. Hellstrom Source
3. Rigicon® Infla10® Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Data on file.
4. Rigicon® ContiReflex® Artificial Urinary Sphincter Data on file.
5. Boysen, William, et al. “Combined Placement of Artificial Urinary Sphincter and Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Does Not Increase Risk of Perioperative Complications or Impact Long-term Device Survival.” Urology, vol. 124, 2019, pp. 264-270.
6. Rigicon® ContiClassic® Artificial Urinary Sphincter Data on file.
7. Yafi FA, Furr J, El-Khatib FM, van Renterghem K, Venturino L, Andrianne R, Osmonov D, Ralph D, Otero JR, Sempels M, Hatzichristodoulou G, Lentz A, Wilson SK. “Prospective analysis of cultures from the Furlow insertion tool: a possible etiology for penile prosthesis infections.” International Journal of Impotence Research, vol. 33, no. 3, 2021, pp. 291-295. Published online 2020 Mar 18.
8. Rigicon® Rigi10™ Malleable Penile Prosthesis Data on file.